Hacking Robots (Manipulating AI Output)👾

How you can create content that’ll slip through the cracks of even the most sophisticated AI detectors.

Howdy degens, I’m hoping you aren’t all reading this in hope of some insights into Google’s new updates and spam policy, because if anything, this is going to be the opposite of what a lot of people are going to want to be hearing right now... Because I’m back again to crossing over categories and pushing the black hat industry forward, one idea at a time.

In the last episode, we discussed how you can dominate SEO with the use of parasite and AI. Today, we continue that theme by leveraging AI as part of your content creation workflow, well at least your AI content anyway... This time, we’re aiming to do two separate things: Steering clear of AI detection and controlling what these AI models say in the first place, with the latter being obviously, considerably more difficult.

Hacking Robots (Manipulating AI Output)👾

One of the biggest challenges of AI content generation is getting caught.

Even if the content delivers value to its intended audience, there are AI detection tools that can identify content generated using OpenAI, even if you rigorously edit the content pieces before publishing. 

Given that the March 2024 Update (more on this later) has dropped the hammer on TONS of low-quality websites (regardless of whether the content was created using AI), it’s in your best interest to foolproof your content creation system in accordance with AI use.

However, I have shown in one of my latest videos that you can create content that’ll slip through the cracks of even the most sophisticated AI detectors. It’s all about creating clear and detailed prompts that help tools like ChatGPT, Cuppa, and Claude also create optimised content for your target keyword and audience.

I highly recommend you watch my video in the link above for an over-the-shoulder guide to my prompt hacking process. But since you’re here, create a copy of my prompt hacks here and follow the steps below instead.

Step 1: Keyword Alchemy

First up, we're playing the modern-day alchemist, turning SEO keywords into digital gold. Crack open Ahrefs and mine for that golden keyword, then double-tap it against the SERPs to ensure you're digging in the right spot. In other words, inspect the top-ranking pages and identify their intent relative to the keyword. This way, you can identify the kind of content you should write for Google to rank it at the top.

Step 2: Controlling AI Outputs

The next step is to create prompts that will help tell ChatGPT who you are so it can mimic your expertise, tone, and voice when creating content under your name or your persona. 

The idea here is to reverse-engineer what AI currently knows about the top professionals in your website’s niche and understand the sources where it got its information about the person.

Start by asking who the top professionals are in your industry. Then, pick a person from the list and ask ChatGPT what sources it used to help it consider them an expert in their fields. If you keep nagging ChatGPT about the source, it will eventually show you its hand so you can start reverse-engineering the process.

From here, gather links to your website, social media profiles,  and interviews you’ve conducted and let ChatGPT read them for you. This allows you to paint a positive picture of who you are to ChatGPT so that it can create an accurate description of your writing style.

Step 4: Prompt Mastery

After creating the content using Cuppa, you still need to edit and optimise it even more to make it more human-like and useful to readers.

Here's where we cast our spell with my crafted prompts. They will help you create an initial customer profile (ICP) and retrieval augmented generation (RAG) research data consisting of websites that will be used as reference materials for content creation. Run both prompts on ChatGPt.

Both are critical to creating content that is specific to your audience’s needs and pain points.

Step 5: Claude's Final Touch

And for our grand finale, Claude steps into the ring. Take the Cuppa content, the CIP, and RAG data geenrated by your prompts and toss it into Claude's cauldron. It'll transmute it into an optimized masterpiece. Sure, you'll have to edit the formatting, but that's just the final polish on the gem.

By the end of this arcane process, you'll have conjured up content so convincingly human, it'll slide past Originality.AI and its ilk like a ghost in the night. We're talking a solid 60-70% undetectability rate, if not higher. And the best part? You won't have to write a single word.

SEO, AI & Digital Marketing News 📰

If the previous weeks have been massive in the SEO world, this past week proved to be catastrophic for almost everyone, unless you’re one of the top 16 companies that dominate Google SERPs. We’ll get into Glen Allsopp’s awesome post, but I’d be remiss if I don’t bring up the March 2024 Update first.

Panda 2.0?

People were still reeling from the earlier algorithm updates early this year. But if that didn’t knock your site out just yet, the March update most definitely will.

Remember back in 2011 when the Panda Update decimated sites that were using article marketing as their primary link building strategy? Well, the March 2024 Update is kind of like that–a reported 40% removal of pages that were once ranking on SERPs. 

This time, it doubled–nay, tripled–down on the Helpful Content Update from the previous years by devaluing sites with low-quality content. The update also hit sites that were abusing scaled content using AI and expired domains, both of which are the bread-and-butter of niche site owners.

One owner and influencer that was hit hard by this update is Julian Goldie, who heavily advocated for bulk AI content generation on money sites. Since the update, his website JulianGoldie.com has been…weird, to say the least. It was initially deindexed but its pages are slowly getting indexed again, even though some say the site remains deindexed. At this point, who knows what’s happening.

At the same time, it’s not as simple as having low-quality content because there are sites with valuable content that are still getting beat down on SERPs.

It’s a confusing time for SEOs because Google continues to blur the lines with what works and what doesn’t in today’s search results. My advice? Continue to monitor the updates, only analyse the impact of the update once it has completely rolled out, and continue the business of providing value to your audience. 

Really, there are the only things you can do and control. I will continue to monitor the updates and share with you my thoughts in the near future.

Take A Cue from Sites that Rule Google

Going back to Glen Allsopp’s piece, take a cue from the 16 online businesses that appear in the majority of money keywords on SERPs. This piece has been updated regularly and contains actionable insights that you can take inspiration from if you want to be like the top-ranking websites on Google. 

It won’t be easy, but it’s worth taking up on especially if you’re sick and tired of getting tagged by search algorithms.  Here’s the link in case you missed it above.

This Month’s Sponsor: Cuppa.sh ✍️

Not only will Cuppa create you the highest level of optimized AI content straight out the box, but we'll make sure it's the cheapest too! We're releasing more features than anybody, we won't charge you for credits, we have hundreds of users beating the current algorithm updates and we even have an active Discord where we share daily tips, tricks and case studies.

What I’ve Been Reading & Watching 👨‍🎓

Career Opportunities 💼

CRO Team Lead, SEO Agency, £54k/PA, Netherlands ( Hybrid )

Fractional CMO, Management/ Marketing & Sales, $40k/PA, ( Remote )

Digital PR Specialist, SEO Agency, £33k/PA, ( Netherlands )

Digital PR Specialist, SEO Agency, £40k/PA, ( Remote UK )

Thank you for reading episode #3 of REE! We hope you’re looking forward to future episodes, which will be available at a much more frequent bi-weekly rate going forward.
